Well it has officially begun, Fall term is here!! With new beginnings happening it is important to take appearance into consideration. Appearance isn't everything, but it does offer a look at who you are as a person at a glance. Professors, fellow classmates, and passers by will be making assumptions about you based on the way you dress and are put together. Here are some tips to help make the best impression on your first week.
1. Dress well your first week: Wear clothes you re comfortable in, but also are clean, crisp and appropriate of making a first impression. You don't want to dress like a slob your first week when professors are getting to know you. Stand out as the one person who is well ut together.
2. Save the yogas for next week: Continue dressing well until you have seen the professor at least twice, then break out the yogas and t-shirts!
3. Wear comfortable shoes: Walking everywhere is crucial in college, so make sure that your feet can hold up.
4. Smell nice: This may seem silly, but some people do tend to smell in classes. You don't want to be the person others avoid! Shower, wear deodorant, maybe even perfume or spray, and always brush your teeth this can also go a long way with first impressions.
I hope these have helped and that your first week back to class is successful!
College Girls and Pearls is my take on differing topics on family, friends, and college. I hope you enjoy it, and if you have any suggestions or want to see a specific topic just comment on a post or email me to let me know!
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Que Sera, Sera
Recently I have been thinking about different quotes and their meanings, and this particular one came to mind: "Que Sera, Sera," meaning, "whatever will be, will be." This isn't to say that people should sit around and wait for what they want without putting in work, but rather work for what they want and know that any outcome they get will be because they tried and did all they could to chase what they want.
This is a great quote to live by especially in college. You can't control everything, but you can make the best of any situation or circumstance. Work for what you want, and the result will be what was meant to happen for you.
Sorry for the shorter post, I am moving into my new dorm this week.
This is a great quote to live by especially in college. You can't control everything, but you can make the best of any situation or circumstance. Work for what you want, and the result will be what was meant to happen for you.
Sorry for the shorter post, I am moving into my new dorm this week.
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Home is Where the Anchor Drops
Coming back from UF to my hometown has been great. I missed my small town where I know the roads and most of the people. However, it is strange to come home and not totally feel like you are home. After 6 weeks in Gainesville I have created a life there as well as where I am from. My dorm was my whole house wrapped in one!
Coming home was awesome because I got my space back. I have my own room and do not have to share a bathroom with 30 other girls, but rather with 2 brothers, which I can handle. My bed is not 5 feet tall, meaning I don't need a stool to get in bed at night and have the irrational fear of falling off. My meals are not microwaved and comparable to that of a 5 year old child, but cooked and made with real meat and a lot healthier.
It's important to make time for everyone you want to see when you come back too. I know personally I have been texting my friends to make sure we can hangout before we all move away again and don't get to see each other until Thanksgiving. Plan things to do with each person so you can spend quality time together and make memories, but also plan group outings so you are able to see more people in the short amount of time.
Friends are super important, but so is family! Don't forget to see your cousins, grandparents, aunts, and uncles if possible. And DO NOT think spending time with your parents is dumb and blow it off. You will miss them more than you know! Luckily I have gotten to spend a lot of time with mine seeing movies, shopping, and going to lunch. Spend time with your sibling as well, you will miss them too.
When you move away don't lose touch. Yes you'll be busy making new friends and memories, but also take the time to send a quick text to your friends from home and your family members. It helps everyone keep up with each other, but not too much that you have no news when you all reconnect. Facetime your family around once a week. I did this over my summer term and it was awesome! I was able to talk to my family face to face, but also two of my best friends.
Having two homes is great! You always have a place to drop your anchor! (I love anchors)
Coming home was awesome because I got my space back. I have my own room and do not have to share a bathroom with 30 other girls, but rather with 2 brothers, which I can handle. My bed is not 5 feet tall, meaning I don't need a stool to get in bed at night and have the irrational fear of falling off. My meals are not microwaved and comparable to that of a 5 year old child, but cooked and made with real meat and a lot healthier.
It's important to make time for everyone you want to see when you come back too. I know personally I have been texting my friends to make sure we can hangout before we all move away again and don't get to see each other until Thanksgiving. Plan things to do with each person so you can spend quality time together and make memories, but also plan group outings so you are able to see more people in the short amount of time.
Friends are super important, but so is family! Don't forget to see your cousins, grandparents, aunts, and uncles if possible. And DO NOT think spending time with your parents is dumb and blow it off. You will miss them more than you know! Luckily I have gotten to spend a lot of time with mine seeing movies, shopping, and going to lunch. Spend time with your sibling as well, you will miss them too.
When you move away don't lose touch. Yes you'll be busy making new friends and memories, but also take the time to send a quick text to your friends from home and your family members. It helps everyone keep up with each other, but not too much that you have no news when you all reconnect. Facetime your family around once a week. I did this over my summer term and it was awesome! I was able to talk to my family face to face, but also two of my best friends.
Having two homes is great! You always have a place to drop your anchor! (I love anchors)

Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Everything You Own in the Dorm to the Left..
With the end of Summer B being this week and Fall beginning in a few weeks, I thought I'd offer some tips for packing for college.
1. Make a list of items you use EVERYDAY- Over packing is a bad habit of mine, so being honest with yourself and what you know you will use is important.
2. Go through your closet while packing- You can get rid of the excess closet fat you have sitting there as you sort through what to take and what to bring. Places like Goodwill and the Salvation Army are always in need of donations. As for those higher end pieces, you can take them to consignment shops and get a little bit of cash back.
3. Bag your hanging items (this tip was taken from my best friend)- I hate hanging clothes, but know that it needs to be done. Over my summer move I folded everything then went and hung certain pieces (with my bestie's help). She came up with what I think is a genius idea of bagging the clothes you want to hang already hung! Then all you have to do is hang and remove the bag.
4. Condense- I can not stress this enough! It is easier to move 3 bags rather than 5, and it is possible to condense by learning how to fold efficiently. Don't just throw things in a bag, move them around and finagle them until every inch of space is full.
5. Get help- Get help in both the packing and unpacking process. The night before I moved one of my best friends Kelsey came over and helped me finish last minute packing. I had done a lot already, but it was nice to have her help me pick out certain jewelry and clothing since she has great taste. When I unpacked I had the help of my mom, Monica, and older brother. My older brother was the muscle, and Monica, mom, and I were the bag handlers. Having their help made moving go quicker and smoother.
P.S. Sorry the post is late, this is finals week after all!
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