This blogging thing has really taken off for me! I love posting on topics I find important or fun.
The link to my new blog is:
After posting to social media about updating my old blog page, my sweet cousin Megan asked if she could help and make a new site for me. Of course I accepted and she created the page you see before you! I am in LOVE with the new look and could not be happier that it has come at the perfect time, a NEW year and that I will be able to start on my Wednesday posting dates again.
I will work hard to post weekly, but I am a college student first so I may miss a few posts or be late. However, I am doing my best to keep things up and be super organized. That was in fact one of my goals for the year, organization.
Quick update on what is happening:
I am starting my Spring semester at UF today and am stoked about my courses. I have Biology for Non-Majors, Popular Music in American History, Statistics, and Spanish. I actually like all the subjects and can not wait to start. Also, I am happily still at Ulta. I got to take 2 weeks off to spend the holidays with my favorite group of people in the world, my family, but am so happy to be back. I love my job!
I also used one of my favorite Christmas gifts for the first time last night, my crockpot!! I made monkey bread from a recipe I found on Pinterest. It was super simple and I made it in the wee hours of the morning, since I am always up at 3 am and it was done for breakfast this morning. And just incase you were wondering it goes great with coffee! The perfect way to statr off this chilly morning in Gainesville.
Here is the link to the reciepe for anyone interested:
Hope you all love the new site as much as I do, and let me know if there is anything you would like to see posted about!
